Basil Salt: Elevate Your Dishes with a Flavorful Finishing Touch

If you find yourself blessed with an abundance of fresh basil, there’s a delightful way to preserve its vibrant flavors and extend its usage beyond the usual culinary applications.

 Enter basil salt—a versatile seasoning that can be used to enhance a variety of dishes. In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple process of creating your own basil salt, transforming your surplus basil into a fragrant and flavorful finishing salt that will elevate your meals to new heights. Get ready to unlock the secret to a truly tantalizing taste experience.

What to do with all that Basil? Create Basil Salt!

When life gives you an abundance of fresh basil, it’s time to get creative and explore the myriad ways to enjoy its aromatic goodness. One fantastic idea that has been shared among various groups is the creation of basil salt. This simple yet ingenious condiment combines the herbaceous flavors of basil with the savory essence of salt, resulting in a versatile seasoning that can be sprinkled on a wide range of dishes.

Recipe: Homemade Basil Salt


  • – 1 1/2 cups fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped
  • – 2 cups Kosher salt


1. Prepare the Basil:

   – Start by washing the fresh basil leaves thoroughly and patting them dry.

   – Give the basil leaves a rough chop to break them down into smaller pieces.

2. Blend and Season:

   – Place the chopped basil leaves in a blender or food processor.

   – Add the Kosher salt to the blender.

   – Pulse a few times until the basil leaves are broken down into smaller pieces and mixed well with the salt.

   – The goal is to infuse the salt with the aromatic flavors of basil.

3. Dry and Cool:

   – Preheat your oven to 170°F (77°C).

   – Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silpat to prevent sticking.

   – Spread the basil salt mixture evenly across the baking sheet.

   – Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for approximately 30 minutes, or until the basil leaves have dried out completely.

   – During the baking process, the aromatic oils of the basil will infuse the salt, creating a flavorful blend.

4. Break Apart and Store:

   – Once the basil salt is fully dried, remove the baking sheet from the oven and let it cool completely.

   – Break apart any clumps that may have formed during the baking process.

   – Transfer the basil salt to a clean, airtight jar or container.

   – Store the basil salt in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Usage Ideas for Basil Salt:

1. Enhance Roasted Vegetables:

   – Sprinkle a pinch of basil salt over roasted vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, or Brussels sprouts.

   – The herbaceous notes of the basil will complement the natural flavors of the vegetables, adding a delightful touch to your dish.

2. Elevate Deviled Eggs:

   – Take your deviled eggs to the next level by dusting a small amount of basil salt on top.

   – The combination of savory salt and aromatic basil will add a burst of flavor to these classic appetizers.

3. Flavorful Tomato Slices:

   – Fresh tomato slices can be transformed into a culinary delight with a sprinkle of basil salt.

   – The marriage of basil and tomatoes is a match made in heaven, and the salt will bring out the natural sweetness of the tomatoes.

Don’t let your surplus basil go to waste—transform it into a versatile and flavorful finishing salt. 

 With just a few simple steps, you can create homemade basil salt that will add a delightful touch to a variety of dishes. Use it to enhance roasted vegetables, top deviled eggs, or elevate the flavor of fresh tomato slices. The possibilities are endless, and your taste buds will thank you for the vibrant burst of basil-infused goodness. So, gather your basil leaves, grab some salt, and embark on the journey of creating your very own basil salt—an essential seasoning that will take your culinary creations to new heights.

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